The current price for a DittoForm is $1975

What is a DittoForm?

A DittoForm
is a precision-carved
copy of your body.

We start with a 3D digital body scan and use the digital image to 3D carve a physical figure.

It’s a copy, a ditto, of you.

Custom dress forms made using 3D body scans.

What makes the DittoForm different?

For starters, it’s you.

The DittoForm reflects the curve of your back, your posture, your shoulder-slope, your asymmetries and all of the ins-and-outs that make up your unique shape. This means the form also includes important landmark references you will want when fitting clothes or developing patterns.

It’s lightweight.

Most forms weigh between 7-10 pounds, so they are easy to pick up, move around, or sit next to your sewing machine for company while you work.  The foam we use is very durable and very easy to pin. We include a pole attachment and hook so it can be hung from a tension bar (or such). The bottom center includes a support for the stand of your choice.

We know bodies.

Our process involves working closely with you to understand your shape and any specific goals you may have. We cross-check the measurements from the scan with hand measurements. We will talk through how the foam is different from a human body. After making over 700 DittoForms, we are confident we can make a model of you that will be the best version for your projects.

We are constantly innovating and improving. 

Every body is different and we learn something new from every customer. We make adjustments to our process that improve the design and quality of our product. We are fascinated by the intersection of technology and traditional craft and are pleased that DittoForms have helped so many people.

Where is DittoForm?

DittoForm scan technicians are available in the
Detroit Metro Area by request.

Scan Travel Schedule

DittoForm Cost

In Home Visits

Distributors and
Approved Scan Vendors

Approved Scan Vendors have gone through an evaluation of their system and have trained their technicians in DittoForm’s protocols and standards. Their file output and scanning process have been determined to meet the quality results required for the production of a DittoForm.
Please contact each vendor for specific scan equipment questions and to schedule your scan. Each vendor may provide additional services including other uses for the digital scan.
Interested in becoming an Approved Scanner? Contact us with your location, business (if applicable) and related experience!
Approved Scan Vendors is Software Tailoring.

our process and how
the scanning part works perfectly

How do you Get your DittoForm?

Are you ready to get started?

We do our best to make ordering your custom DittoForm as easy and convenient as possible for you. DittoForm travels the country to scan you where you are. We aim to have your DittoForm shipped within 8 weeks after scanning. 

Step 01

Book Appointment

Select your location, date and time from our Schedule.

Pay your initial deposit payment. See Price Details here

We will send you

Step 02

3D Scan

The appointment will take 30-45 minutes. The digital body scan takes place in a private area.

You will stand in a natural pose. We walk around you with the hand-held scanning device.

We take a few measurements by hand for use in Quality Control.

Important Safety Note: Our scanner uses structured light scanning technology. It produces up to 16 flashes per second! The source is a flash bulb (not laser or UV light), similar to a Xenon flash of a regular camera, and white LEDs. Many people find it is annoying by not an issue, however, I have eye-masks and dark glasses to minimize the effect. Please let me know if you have photo-sensitive epilepsy and we will take appropriate precautions.

Step 03

Order and Get Ready!

A few weeks after the appointment, I will send you a video with your image along with any explanations.

You will review the final image to be used in carving and complete the final step of the Purchase Agreement approving production.

Your completed DittoForm includes a custom matte grey jersey cover with moveable black grosgrain ribbon marking lines (with extra for you to put on style lines), a mounting system designed to allow your DittoForm to rest on your choice of stands (options provided) or to be hung from above. (UPS Ground shipping to the Continental US is free.)

Gather your fabric and projects to be ready for your new favorite sewing tool.

Approximately 8-10 weeks later, your DittoForm will arrive via UPS Ground and the Fun Really Starts!